德国RÜHL D类干粉灭火剂

浏览:4784   时间:2019-10-15 14:33:54

D Favorit M


D Fire Extinguishing Powder    D类干粉灭火剂

Certificate of Conformity Ref.  No: KB 116/13     参考合格证书 No: KB 27/14

Description:  产品描述

D Favorit M Is an effective special fire extinguishing powder for metal fires with outstanding efficiency in fire class D.

D Favorit M是一种专门为金属火灾设计的高效的特殊干粉,在D类火灾中灭火效能非常出色。

The active fire extinguishing Ingredients of D Favorit M are alkali chlorides. Organic additives allow the powder to form a cover on the surface of the combustible metal which adheres immediately and remains impermeable to air. A dense fusion crust is formed by high combustion temperatures.

D Favorit M的主要灭火成分是碱金属氯化物,有机添加剂促使干粉完全覆盖在可燃的金属表面上,立即附着保持完全隔绝空气,在高温度燃烧下化学反应合成一个致密的熔壳。

Application:  用途

D Favorit M is perfectly suitable to extinguish class D fires (metal fires) according to DIN EN 2.E.g. fires of alkali metals (lithium, potassium, sodium) , light metals ( aluminium, magnesium and their alloys), calcium, zinc and aluminum triethyl.

D Favorit M是完全符合按照欧盟标准的D类火灾灭火剂,适用于碱金属(锂,钾,钠)、轻金属(铝,镁,以及它们的合金类)、钙、锌、三乙基铝的火灾。

Technical Data: 技术参数

D Favorit M

Density 密度                                          approx.2.10g/ml 约2.10g/ml

Apparent density (EN 615) 松装密度(欧盟干粉灭火剂标准)    1.00g/ml ± 0.04g/ml

Sieve analysis (EN 615 method 2): 筛分析            

> 40 µm                                                60% ± 8 %

> 63 µm                                                45% ± 8 %

> 125 µm                                              10% ± 5 %

Chemical composition:化学成分

Alkali chlorides碱金属氯化物                       90% ± 3%

Temperature stability温度稳定性                -80 ℃ to +90 ℃

Recommendations for storage:存储建议

D Favorit M should be stored dry in the original packing, hermetically sealed.


Max. stacking height: 1.5m  最大堆置高度:1.5m

Stored at temperatures between 0 ℃and +45 ℃ the product is stable for 5 years.在0 ℃~+45 ℃的储存条件下产品有效期为5年

Certificate of Conformity:合格证书

D Favorit M is tested by the accredited test laboratory and officially approved test centre of MPA Dresden GmbH for conformity with EN 615 : 2009 (except for clause 8, fire test performance) and with national annex NA of DIN EN 3-7 : 2007, class D fire rating.

D Favorit M取得了公认的测试实验室和被正式批准的MPA Dresden GmbH for conformity测试中心的测试报告。测试标准:欧盟EN 615 : 2009(除第8条,防火性能测试)和德国国家附件NA of DIN EN 3-7 : 2007,D级防火等级。

Packing :包装

D Favorit M is only supplied in 25kg plastic hobbocks with polyethylene inner bag.


Country of origin原产地: Germany 德国


中国总代理: 陕西久元安全技术有限公司